
"I'm interested in yoga as a practice of exploring and cultivating deep intimacy with one's self--becoming familiar with, befriending and integrating the most vulnerable parts of one's inner landscape."

Melanie found yoga when she was twenty weeks pregnant with her second child in 2014. After experiencing severe postpartum depression with her first child, she is convinced that yoga was the catalyst in her prenatal weeks the second time around that nourished a positive connection to her inner vulnerability, her body and her baby, which allowed a fully connected and healing postpartum experience. Her love of the practice led her to enroll in teacher training at The Bhakti Yoga Movement Center in 2017. In 2018, she continued to study under Shana Celnicker-Chong to include pre-natal and postpartum yoga as part of my training.

Melanie considers herself to have a warm, nurturing and intuitive nature. She is passionate about supporting others through intense periods of emotional, spiritual and physical transformation and she desires to inspire others toward practices of self-love, growth and healing. She has been so grateful for the many that have supported and inspired her on her own healing journey.

Outside of yoga and mothering her two bright souls (three including herself), she paints abstract portraits of bones, flowers and landscapes, and is excitedly wrapped up in studies toward a career in nursing.