4 Major Benefits of PostPartum Yoga

What is Postpartum Yoga?

Postpartum or postnatal yoga is a movement practice created specifically for a postpartum birthing person and commonly consists of low-intensity stretches that focus on the areas most often tight while caring for a newborn, breathing exercises to help connect you to your breath, gentle core and pelvic floor engagement. and finding mind-body balance after birth, as well as community (a benefit often overlooked).

When Can I Safely Start?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says that resuming exercise can vary from person to person, depending on the nature of your birth experience. Was it an uncomplicated pelvic birth? A C-section? Ultimately, your timeline is yours, but please talk to your doctor before resuming any exercise after birth (regardless of the specifics). However, it is a common misconception that birthing people should do “nothing” for 6-8 weeks and then “return to normal activity”. This is not only untrue, but can lead to injury. Breathing exercises as well as gentle stretching of the extremities, shoulders, and neck can help with the early aches and pains associated with caring for a newborn, and with birth recovery. Short walks are also recommended (but please hold off on wearing baby especially if you had a cesarean birth until you’ve checked in with your doctor or midwife). When cleared to return to exercise, proceed slowly and ideally start with classes or activities that are specifically designed for the postpartum body.

The Benefits

  1. Yoga is a total body strength training. And it’s fully customizable to your postpartum experience.

  2. It can help combat postpartum depression. A small study in 2015 found that participants who attended yoga classes twice per week for 8 weeks saw a 78% decrease in depression and anxiety symptoms.

  3. It may increase milk production. A 2017 study of 30 women suggests that the deep relaxation, calmness, and self-confidence gleaned from postpartum yoga helps facilitate a release of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. These two hormones get the milk flowing!

  4. It strengthens your pelvic floor. Worried about peeing when you sneeze after the baby’s born? Postnatal yoga has your back (and your pelvic floor). Yogic breathing and certain muscle group moves can help curb incontinence. Stop the sneeze-pee!

For more information about group postnatal yoga classes or individualized one-on-one classes, visit us at www.andreadysetgrow.com for the latest information.